Smart Data Services
The Smart Data Services research group investigates novel methods, architectures and technologies for services computing in data-intensive environments. Examples of such environments are M2M applications, telematics networks and the Internet of Things (IoT).
Smart Data Services are technical and functional instruments that directly connect physical products with digital business models. The result is data products that enhance existing products with more data intelligence and offer new functions to users.
At HHZ, Smart Data Services based on IoT technologies support teaching and learning for students in a 24/7 Smart Environment.
A list of all current publications of the research group can be found in the university bibliography.
Teaching is organized as “Data Driven Lectures”.
Courses for the Bachelor's degree program in Information Systems:
- Statistics
- Software Engineering
- Computer Networks
Courses for the Master's degree programs Digital Business Engineering and Digital Business Management:
- Internet-of-Things (IoT)
Current projects take place as part of university education. They cover the areas of:
Internet of Things (IoT)
Machine Learning & Data Products