
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Münch
Professor für Software Engineering, Entrepreneurship und Innovation
+49 7121 271 4107
Gebäude HHZ, Böblingen, Raum 130
Nach Vereinbarung (Online & Präsenz)
- Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Digital Business Engineering
- Weitere Programme
- Mitglied des erweiterten Präsidiums der Hochschule Reutlingen, Ressortleiter Entrepreneurship (2016-2023)
- Prodekan Herman Hollerith Zentrum (2019-2023)
- Product Management
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Software & Systems Engineering
- Product Management & Entrepreneurship
- Software Engineering
- Öffentliche Projekte
- Auftragsforschung
- Seit 2015 Professor für Software Engineering, Entrepreneurship und Innovation an der Fakultät Informatik
- Seit 2019 Assoziierung an der Universität Hohenheim, Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
- 2015-2017 Research Director, University of Helsinki
- 2011-2015 Professor for Software Systems Engineering, University of Helsinki
- 2006-2011 Leiter Research-Lab der Daimler AG und des Fh IESE
- Informatik / Dr. rer. nat
- Informatik mit Nebenfach Wirtschaftswissenschaften / Dipl.-Inform.
Münch, Jürgen
2025 | |
Vasylieva, Kseniia; Brenner, Thomas; Kuhrmann, Marco; Münch, Jürgen (2025): Enhancing transparency in space metrics use : insights from an initial study. - In: Product-Focused Software Process Improvement : 25th International Conference, PROFES 2024, Tartu, Estonia, December 2-4, 2024, Proceedings. - Cham : Springer. - S. 325-332. - ISBN: 978-3-031-78386-9. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Guzman, Julio; Dörr, Heiko; Gruber, Christian; Münch, Jürgen; Kuhrmann, Marco (2025): On the derivation of quality assurance plans from process model descriptions. - In: Product-Focused Software Process Improvement : Industry-, Workshop-, and Doctoral Symposium Papers. - 25th International Conference, PROFES 2024, Tartu, Estonia, December 2-4, 2024, Proceedings. - Cham : Springer. - S. 116-130. - ISBN: 978-3-031-78392-0. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Guzman, Julio; Dörr, Heiko; Brenner, Thomas; Gerlich, Rainer; Münch, Jürgen; Kuhrmann, Marco (2025): Towards generating compliance action plans : a discussion of needs and opportunities. - In: Product-Focused Software Process Improvement : 25th International Conference, PROFES 2024, Tartu, Estonia, December 2-4, 2024, Proceedings. - Cham : Springer. - S. 395-403. - ISBN: 978-3-031-78386-9. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Bülbül, Mustafa; Straub, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen; Kuhrmann, Marco (2025): Towards generating measurable artifact models from standards in regulated domains. - In: Product-Focused Software Process Improvement : 25th International Conference, PROFES 2024, Tartu, Estonia, December 2–4, 2024, Proceedings. - Cham : Springer. - S. 272-288. - ISBN: 978-3-031-78386-9. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2024 | |
Wahl, Dario; Münch, Jürgen (2024): CompEntre 4.0: developing and validating a competency model for Industry 4.0 startups. - In: Education + training 66 (8). - S. 1096-1116. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
(2024): Software business : 14th International Conference, ICSOB 2023, Lahti, Finland, November 27–29, 2023, proceedings. - (Lecture notes in business information processing ; 500). - In: - Cham : Springer. - 514 S. - ISBN: 978-3-031-53226-9. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Özal, Esra; Münch, Jürgen (2024): Unveiling customer needs : a comprehensive exploration of jobs to be done interviews. - In: Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Software-Intensive Business (IWSiB). - New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery. - S. 48-55. - ISBN: 979-8-4007-0571-7. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Korfmann, Robin; Beyersdorffer, Patrick; Münch, Jürgen; Kuhrmann, Marco (2024): Using data augmentation to support AI-based requirements evaluation in large-scale projects. - In: Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement : 31st European Conference, EuroSPI 2024, Munich, Germany, September 4–6, 2024, Proceedings, Part I. - Cham : Springer. - S. 97-111. - ISBN: 978-3-031-71138-1. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2023 | |
Beyersdorffer, Patrick; Münch, Jürgen; Kuhrmann, Marco (2023): Alignment of quality models for assessing software requirements in large-scale projects: a case from space. - In: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE 2023) : Shaping the future..., Edinburgh, 19-22 June 2023. - Piscataway : IEEE. - 9 S. - ISBN: 979-8-3503-1517-2. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Trieflinger, Stefan; Weiss, Lukas; Münch, Jürgen (2023): Elevating software quality through product discovery techniques : key findings from a grey literature review. - In: Quality of Information and Communications Technology : 16th International Conference, QUATIC 2023, Aveiro, Portugal, September 11–13, 2023, Proceedings. - Cham : Springer. - S. 45-59. - ISBN: 978-3-031-43703-8. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Trieflinger, Stefan; Lang, Dominic; Spies, Selina; Münch, Jürgen (2023): The Discovery Effort Worthiness Index: how much product discovery should you do and how can this be integrated into delivery?. - In: Information and software technology 157 (Artikelnummer: 107167) - 30 S. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2022 | |
Trieflinger, Stefan; Petrik, Dimitri; Herzwurm, Georg; Münch, Jürgen (2022): Aligning platform ecosystems through product roadmapping: systematic mapping study and research agenda. - In: 2022 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), 31 August - 2 September 2022, Gran Canaria, proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 434-441. - ISBN: 978-1-6654-6152-8. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Trieflinger, Stefan; Lang, Dominic; Münch, Jürgen (2022): Counter the uncertainties in a dynamic world: an approach to creating outcome-driven product roadmaps. - In: Product-Focused Software Process Improvement : 23rd International Conference, PROFES 2022, Jyväskylä, Finland, 21–23 November 2022, proceedings (Lecture notes in computer science ; 13709). - Cham : Springer. - S. 319-333. - ISBN: 978-3-031-21388-5. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Münch, Jürgen; Klünder, Jil (2022): Hacking or engineering? Towards an extended entrepreneurial software engineering model. - In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and System Processes and International Conference on Global Software Engineering, 19-20 May 2022, Pittsburgh, USA. - New York : Association for Computing Machinery. - S. 66-76. - ISBN: 978-1-4503-9674-5. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Trieflinger, Stefan; Münch, Jürgen; Weiss, Lukas; Roling, Bastian; Lang, Dominic (2022): Transformation towards a product-led company : case studies from industry. - In: 2022 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Software-Intensive Business (IWSiB), 18 May 2022, Pittsburgh, USA, proceedings. - New York : Association for Computing Machinery. - S. 9-16. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Wahl, Dario; Münch, Jürgen (2022): Turning students into Industry 4.0 entrepreneurs: design and evaluation of a tailored study program. - In: Entrepreneurship education 5 (5). - S. 225-259. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
Trieflinger, Stefan; Münch, Jürgen; Petrik, Dimitri; Lang, Dominic (2022): Why traditional product roadmaps fail in dynamic markets: global insights. - In: Product-Focused Software Process Improvement : 23rd International Conference, PROFES 2022, Jyväskylä, Finland, 21–23 November 2022, proceedings (Lecture notes in computer science ; 13709). - Cham : Springer. - S. 382-389. - ISBN: 978-3-031-21388-5. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2021 | |
Trieflinger, Stefan; Münch, Jürgen; Wagner, Stefan; Lang, Dominic; Roling, Bastian (2021): A transformation model for excelling in product roadmapping in dynamic and uncertain market environments. - In: Product-Focused Software Process Improvement : 22nd International Conference, PROFES 2021, Turin, Italy, 26 November 2021, proceedings (LNCS, vol. 13126). - Cham : Springer. - S. 136-151. - ISBN: 978-3-030-91452-3. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Klünder, Jil; Karajic, Dzejlana; Tell, Paolo; Karras, Oliver; Münkel, Christian; Münch, Jürgen; MacDonell, Stephen; Hebig, Regina; Kuhrmann, Marco (2021): Determining context factors for hybrid development methods with trained models. - In: Software Engineering 2021 : Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, 22.-26. Februar 2021, Braunschweig. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 65-66. - ISBN: 978-3-88579-704-3. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
Brunner, Daniel; Münch, Jürgen; Kuhrmann, Marco (2021): Entrepreneurial software engineering: towards a hybrid development method for early-stage startups. - In: WI-MAW-Rundbrief 27 (1). - S. 5-15. - URL: | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Trieflinger, Stefan; Münch, Jürgen; Heisler, Bernd; Lang, Dominic (2021): Essential approaches to dual-track agile: results from a grey literature review. - In: Software business : 11th International Conference, ICSOB 2020, Karlskrona, Sweden, November 16–18, 2020, proceedings - (Lecture notes in business information processing ; 407). - Cham : Springer. - S. 55-69. - ISBN: 9783030672928. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Trieflinger, Stefan; Münch, Jürgen; Bogazköy, Emre; Eißler, Patrick; Schneider, Jan; Roling, Bastian (2021): How to prioritize your product roadmap when everything feels important: a grey literature review. - In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 21-23 June 2021, Cardiff, proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 1-9. - ISBN: 978-1-6654-4963-2. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Wahl, Dario; Münch, Jürgen (2021): Industry 4.0 entrepreneurship: essential characteristics and necessary skills. - In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 21-23 June 2021, virtual, proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - 8 S. - ISBN: 978-1-6654-4963-2. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Trieflinger, Stefan; Münch, Jürgen; Schneider, Jan; Bogazköy, Emre; Eißler, Patrick; Roling, Bastian; Lang, Dominic (2021): Product roadmapping processes for an uncertain market environment: a grey literature review. - In: Lean and agile software development : 5th International Conference, LASD 2021, Virtual Event, January 23, 2021, Proceedings. - Cham, Switzerland : Springer. - S. 111-129. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Voigt, Yvonne; Trieflinger, Stefan; Münch, Jürgen (2021): Product roadmaps in the new mobility domain: state of the practice and industrial experiences. - In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 21-23 June 2021, Cardiff, proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 1-9. - ISBN: 978-1-6654-4963-2. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Trieflinger, Stefan; Münch, Jürgen; Roling, Bastian; Voigt, Yvonne; Lang, Dominic (2021): Provide direction despite uncertainty: workshops for creating a compelling product vision. - In: 2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW), 20-24 September 2021, Notre Dame, proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 212-215. - ISBN: 978-1-6654-1898-0. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Lang, Dominic; Spies, Selina; Trieflinger, Stefan; Münch, Jürgen (2021): Tailored design thinking approach - a shortcut for agile teams. - In: Software Business : 12th International Conference, ICSOB 2021, Drammen, Norway, December 2–3, 2021, proceedings (LNBIP 434). - Cham : Springer. - S. 37-49. - ISBN: 978-3-030-91982-5. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Tell, Paolo; Hebig, Regina; Klunder, Jill; Münch, Jürgen (2021): What makes agile software development agile?. - In: IEEE transactions on software engineering 48 (9). - S. 3523-3539. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2020 | |
Klünder, Jil; Karajic, Dzejlana; Tell, Paolo; Karras, Oliver; Münkel, Christian; Münch, Jürgen; MacDonell, Stephen; Hebig, Regina; Kuhrmann, Marco (2020): Determining context factors for hybrid development methods with trained models. - In: ICSSP '20: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and System Processes. - New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery. - S. 61-70. - ISBN: 9781450375122. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Högsdal, Nils; Münch, Jürgen; Bauer, Harry; Schneider, Hannah; Rehmet, Thomas; Rösch, Hartmut; Simons, Laura; Kling, Christian; Gentner, Nicole; Coric, Kristina; Mazhar, Laila; Knaus, Lena; Matsekh-Ukrayinskyy, Lyubomyr; Nardiello, June (2020): Entrepreneurship meets Education - Gründungskultur an Hochschulen fördern. - Stuttgart : Hochschule der Medien. - 98 S. - ISBN: 9783000649790. - URL: | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Trieflinger, Stefan; Münch, Jürgen; Knoop, Vera; Lang, Dominic (2020): Facing the challenges with product roadmaps in uncertain markets: experience from industry. - In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) : 15-17 June 2020, Cardiff UK, proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 1-8. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Nguyen-Duc, Anh; Münch, Jürgen; Prikladnicki, Rafael; Wang, Xiaofeng; Abrahamsson, Pekka (Hrsg.): Fundamentals of software startups : Essential engineering and business aspects. - Cham : Springer. - ISBN: 978-3-030-35982-9. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Küpper, Steffen; Pfahl, Dietmar; Jürisoo, Kristjan; Diebold, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen; Kuhrmann, Marco (2020): How has SPI changed in times of agile development? Results from a multi-method study. - In: Software Engineering 2020 : Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, 24.-28. Februar 2020, Innsbruck, Austria. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 71-72. - ISBN: 978 3 88579 694 7. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
Özal, Neslihan; Münch, Jürgen (2020): How to conduct customer interviews? A workshop format for teaching customer interview skills. - In: Software business : 11th International Conference, ICSOB 2020, Karlskrona, Sweden, November 16–18, 2020, proceedings. - Cham : Springer. - S. 118-133. - ISBN: 978-3-030-67292-8. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Münch, Jürgen; Trieflinger, Stefan; Heisler, Bernd (2020): Product discovery - building the right things: insights from a grey literature review. - In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC): proceedings, 15-17 June 2020, Cardiff, UK. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 1-8. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Trieflinger, Stefan; Münch, Jürgen; Bogazköy, Emre; Eißler, Patrick; Schneider, Jan; Roling, Bastian (2020): Product roadmap alignment - achieving the vision together: A grey literature review. - In: Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming – Workshops : XP 2020 Workshops, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 8–12, 2020, Revised Selected Papers. - Cham : Springer. - S. 50-57. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
Münch, Jürgen; Trieflinger, Stefan; Bogazköy, Emre; Eißler, Patrick; Roling, Bastian; Schneider, Jan (2020): Product roadmap formats for an uncertain future: a grey literature review. - In: 2020 46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA): 26-28 August 2020, Portoroz, Slovenia, proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 284-291. - ISBN: 978-1-7281-9532-2. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Högsdal, Nils; Matsekh-Ukrayinskyy, Lyubomyr; Münch, Jürgen; Schneider, Hannah; Simons, Laura (2020): The entrepreneurial university in the context of internationalisation : Curriculum integration of entrepreneurship education: a collective case study built upon design-based research. - In: Internationalisation of higher education : policy and practice (3)- S. 55-80. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Trieflinger, Stefan; Münch, Jürgen; Lang, Dominic (2020): The evolution of the DEEP model to enable product roadmapping in dynamic market environments. - In: SEAA 2020: the 46th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications ; proceedings of the Works in Progress Session, 26-18 August 2020, Portoroz, Slovenia (Virtual Event). - Linz, Österreich : Johannes Kepler University Linz. - 3 S. | BibTeX | RIS |
Abrahamsson, Pekka; Botterweck, Goetz; Ghanbari, Hadi; Jaatun, Martin Gilje; Kettunen, Petri; Mikkonen, Tommi; Mjeda, Anila; Münch, Jürgen; Nguyen-Duc, Anh; Russo, Barbara; Wang, Xiaofeng (2020): Towards a secure DevOps approach for cyber-physical systems: an industrial perspective. - In: International journal of systems and software security and protection : an official publication of the Information Resources Management Association 11 (2). - S. 38-57. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
Tell, Paolo; Klünder, Jil; Küpper, Steffen; Raffo, David; MacDonell, Stephan; Münch, Jürgen; Pfahl, Dietmar; Linssen, Oliver; Kuhrmann, Marco (2020): Towards the statistical construction of hybrid development methods. - In: Journal of Software : Evolution and Process 33 (1). - S. 1-20. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Tell, Paolo; Klünder, Jill; Küpper, Steffen; Raffo, David; MacDonell, Stephen; Münch, Jürgen; Pfahl, Dietmar; Linssen, Oliver; Kuhrmann, Marco (2020): What are hybrid development methods made of?. - In: Software Engineering 2020 : Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, 24.-28. Februar 2020, Innsbruck, Austria. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 29-30. - ISBN: 9783885796947. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
Münch, Jürgen; Trieflinger, Stefan; Lang, Dominic (2020): What's hot in product roadmapping? Key practices and success factors. - In: Software Engineering 2020 : Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, 24.-28. Februar 2020, Innsbruck, Austria. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 31-32. - ISBN: 978-3-88579-694-7. - URL: | BibTeX | RIS URN |
2019 | |
Münch, Jürgen; Trieflinger, Stefan; Lang, Dominic (2019): DEEP : the product roadmap maturity model : a method for assessing the product roadmapping capabilities of organizations. - In: IWSiB '19 : proceedings of the 2nd SIGSOFT International Workshop on Software-Intensive Business - Startups, Platforms, and Ecosystems : 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. - New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery. - S. 19-24. - ISBN: 978-1-4503-6854-4. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Küpper, Steffen; Pfahl, Dietmar; Jürisoo, Kristjan; Diebold, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen; Kuhrmann, Marco (2019): How has SPI changed in times of agile development? Results from a multi-method study. - In: Journal of software : evolution and process 31 (11, Aufsatz e2182). - S. 1-28. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Diebold, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen; Tell, Paolo; Trektere, Kitija; McCaffery, Fergal; Garousi, Vahid; Felderer, Michael; Linssen, Oliver; Hanser, Eckhart; Prause, Christian (2019): Hybrid software development approaches in practice : a European perspective. - In: IEEE software 36 (4). - S. 20-31. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Münch, Jürgen; Trieflinger, Stefan; Lang, Dominic (2019): Product roadmap – from vision to reality: a systematic literature review. - In: Co-creating our future : scaling-up innovation capacities through the design and engineering of immersive, collaborative, emphatic and cognitive systems : 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Sophia Antipolis Innovation Park, France, 17-19 June 2019. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - 8 S. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Münch, Jürgen (2019): SPI is dead, isn’t it? Clear the stage for continuous learning!. - In: 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software and System Processes : ICSSP 2019, 25 May 2019, Montréal, Canada, proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 9-13. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Münch, Jürgen; Trieflinger, Stefan; Lang, Dominic (2019): The product roadmap maturity model DEEP: validation of a method for assessing the product roadmap capabilities of organizations. - In: Software business : 10th International Conference, ICSOB 2019, Jyväskylä, Finland, November 18-20, 2019, proceedings. - (Lecture notes in business information processing ; 370). - Cham : Springer. - S. 97-113. - ISBN: 978-3-030-33742-1. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Tell, Paolo; Klünder, Jil; Küpper, Steffen; Raffo, David; MacDonnell, Stephen; Münch, Jürgen; Pfahl, Dietmar; Linssen, Oliver; Kuhrmann, Marco (2019): What are hybrid development methods made of? An evidence-based characterization. - In: 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software and System Processes : ICSSP 2019, 25 May 2019, Montréal, Canada, proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 105-114. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Münch, Jürgen; Trieflinger, Stefan; Lang, Dominic (2019): What’s hot in product roadmapping? Key practices and success factors. - In: Product-focused software process improvement : 20th International Conference, PROFES 2019, Barcelona, Spain, November 27-29, 2019, proceedings. - (Programming and software engineering ; 11915). - Cham : Springer. - S. 401-416. - ISBN: 978-3-030-35333-9. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2018 | |
Hohl, Philipp; Stupperich, Michael; Münch, Jürgen; Schneider, Kurt (2018): An assessment model to foster the adoption of agile software product lines in the automotive domain. - In: Conference proceedings ICE/IEEE ITMC : 2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) : Stuttgart, 17.06. - 20.06.2018. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - 9 S. - ISBN: 978-1-5386-1469-3. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Hohl, Philipp; Klünder, Jil; Bennekum, Arie van; Lockard, Ryan; Gifford, James; Münch, Jürgen; Stupperich, Michael; Schneider, Kurt (2018): Back to the future: origins and directions of the “Agile Manifesto” – views of the originators. - In: Journal of software engineering research and development : JSERD 6 (15). - S. 1-27. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
Hohl, Philipp; Stupperich, Michael; Münch, Jürgen; Schneider, Kurt (2018): Combining agile development and software product lines in automotive: challenges and recommendations. - In: Conference proceedings ICE/IEEE ITMC : 2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) : Stuttgart, 17.06. - 20.06.2018. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - 10 S. - ISBN: 978-1-5386-1469-3. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Falessi, Davide; Juristo, Natalia; Wohlin, Claes; Turhan, Burak; Münch, Jürgen; Jedlitschka, Andreas; Oivo, Markku (2018): Empirical software engineering experts on the use of students and professionals in experiments. - In: Empirical software engineering : an international journal 23 (1). - S. 452-489. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Münch, Jürgen (2018): Enhancing software engineering education through experimentation: an experience report. - In: Conference proceedings ICE/IEEE ITMC : 2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) : Stuttgart, 17.06. - 20.06.2018. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - 9 S. - ISBN: 978-1-5386-1469-3. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Feldt, Robert; Zimmermann, Thomas; Bergersen, Gunnar; Falessi, Davide; Jedlitschka, Andreas; Juristo, Natalia; Münch, Jürgen; Oivo, Markku; Runeson, Per; Shepperd, Martin (2018): Four commentaries on the use of students and professionals in empirical software engineering experiments. - In: Empirical software engineering : an international journal 23 (6). - S. 3801-3820. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Fagerholm, Fabian; Kuhrmann, Marco; Münch, Jürgen (2018): Guidelines for using empirical studies in software engineering education. - In: Software engineering and software management 2018 : Tagung vom 5.-9. März in Ulm. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 85-87. - ISBN: 978-3-88579-673-2. - URL: | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Diebold, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen; Tell, Paolo; Garousi, Vahid; Felderer, Michael; Trektere, Kitija (2018): Hybrid software and system development in practice: waterfall, scrum, and beyond. - In: Software engineering and software management 2018 : Tagung vom 5.-9. März in Ulm. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 103-105. - ISBN: 978-3-88579-673-2. - URL: | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Hohl, Philipp; Theobald, Sven; Becker, Martin; Stupperich, Michael; Münch, Jürgen (2018): Mapping agility to automotive software product line concerns. - In: Product-focused software process improvement : 19th international conference, PROFES 2018, Wolfsburg, Germany, November 28 - 30, 2018, proceedings. - (Programming and software engineering ; 11271). - Cham : Springer. - S. 409-421. - ISBN: 978-3-030-03672-0. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Hohl, Philipp; Ghofrani, Javad; Münch, Jürgen; Stupperich, Michael; Schneider, Kurt (2018): Searching for common ground: existing literature on automotive agile software product lines. - In: Software engineering and software management 2018 : Tagung vom 5.-9. März in Ulm. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 55-56. - ISBN: 978-3-88579-673-2. - URL: | BibTeX | RIS URN |
(2018): Software-intensive business: start-ups, ecosystems and platforms : proceedings of the International Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms (SiBW 2018) : Espoo, Finland, December 3, 2018. - (CEUR workshop proceedings ; 2305). - In: - Aachen : RWTH Aachen. - 253 S. - URL: | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Gutbrod, Matthias; Münch, Jürgen (2018): Teaching lean startup principles:an empirical study on assumption prioritization. - In: Software-intensive business: start-ups, ecosystems and platforms : proceedings of the International Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms (SiBW 2018) : Espoo, Finland, December 3, 2018. - (CEUR workshop proceedings ; 2305). - Aachen : RWTH Aachen. - S. 245-253. - URL: | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Gutbrod, Matthias; Münch, Jürgen; Tichy, Matthias (2018): The Business Experiments Navigator (BEN): an approach for validating business models with experimentation. - In: Conference proceedings ICE/IEEE ITMC : 2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) : Stuttgart, 17.06. - 20.06.2018. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - 8 S. - ISBN: 978-1-5386-1469-3. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Lunescu, Ilaria; Münch, Jürgen; Marchesi, Michele; Kuhrmann, Marco (2018): Using simulation for understanding and reproducing distributed software development processes in the cloud. - In: Information and software technology 103 - S. 226-238. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Münch, Jürgen; Trieflinger, Stefan; Lang, Dominic (2018): Why feature-based roadmaps fail in rapidly changing markets: a qualitative survey. - In: Software-intensive business: start-ups, ecosystems and platforms : proceedings of the International Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms (SiBW 2018) : Espoo, Finland, December 3, 2018. - (CEUR workshop proceedings ; 2305). - Aachen : RWTH Aachen. - S. 202-218. - URL: | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Münch, Jürgen; Wnuk, Krzysztof (2018): Workshops and tutorials. - In: Product-focused software process improvement : 19th international conference, PROFES 2018, Wolfsburg, Germany, November 28 - 30, 2018, proceedings. - (Programming and software engineering ; 11271). - Cham : Springer. - S. 365-369. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2017 | |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Diebold, Philipp; MacDonell, Stephen; Münch, Jürgen (2017): 2nd Workshop on Hybrid Development Approaches in Software Systems Development. - In: Product-focused software process improvement : 18th International Conference, PROFES 2017, Innsbruck, Austria, November 29-December 1, 2017, proceedings. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 10611). - Cham : Springer. - S. 397-403. - ISBN: 495987646. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Munezero, Myriam; Yaman, Sezin Gizem; Fagerholm, Fabian; Kettunen, Petri; Mäenpää, Hanna; Mäkinen, Simo; Tiihonen, Juha; Riungu-Kalliosaari, Leah; Tuovinen, Antti-Pekka; Oivo, Markku; Münch, Jürgen; Männistö, Tomi (2017): Continuous experimentation cookbook : an introduction to systematic experimentation for software-intensive businesses. - (DIMECC result publications ; 3) - (DIMECC publications series no. 15). - Tampere : DIMECC Oy. - 70 S. - ISBN: 978-952-68735-1-0. | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Diebold, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen (2017): First International Workshop on Hybrid dEveLopmENt Approaches in Software Systems Development. - In: ICSSP'17 : proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Software and System Process : July 5-7, 2017, Paris, France. - New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery. - S. 145-146. - ISBN: 978-1-4503-5270-3. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Hohl, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen; Stupperich, Michael (2017): Forces that support agile adoption in the automotive domain. - In: Software Engineering 2017 : Tagung vom 21. - 24. Februar 2017 in Hannover. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 119-120. - ISBN: 978-3-88579-661-9. | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Fagerholm, Fabian; Kuhrmann, Marco; Münch, Jürgen (2017): Guidelines for using empirical studies in software engineering education. - In: PeerJ computer science 2017 (4. September). - S. 1-36. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
Gutbrod, Matthias; Münch, Jürgen; Tichy, Matthias (2017): How do software startups approach experimentation? Empirical results from a qualitative interview study. - In: Product-focused software process improvement : 18th International Conference, PROFES 2017, Innsbruck, Austria, November 29-December 1, 2017, proceedings. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 10611). - Cham : Springer. - S. 297-304. - ISBN: 978-3-319-69926-4. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Diebold, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen; Tell, Paolo; Garousi, Vahid; Felderer, Michael; Trektere, Kitija; McCaffery, Fergal; Linssen, Oliver; Hanser, Eckhart; Prause, Christian (2017): Hybrid software and system development in practice: waterfall, scrum, and beyond. - In: ICSSP'17 : proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Software and System Process : July 5-7, 2017, Paris, France. - New York, NY : The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.. - S. 30-39. - ISBN: 978-1-4503-5270-3. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Hirte, Rebecca; Münch, Jürgen; Drost, Laura (2017): Incubators in multinational corporations : development of a corporate incubator operator model. - In: Engineering, technology & innovation management beyond 2020 : new challenges, new approaches : 2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) : conference proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 195-202. - ISBN: 978-1-5386-0774-9. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Yaman, Sezin Gizem; Munezero, Myriam; Münch, Jürgen; Fagerholm, Fabian; Syd, Ossi; Aaltola, Mika; Palmu, Christina; Männistö, Tomi (2017): Introducing continuous experimentation in large software-intensive product and service organisations. - In: The journal of systems and software : JSS 133 - S. 195-211. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Hohl, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen; Schneider, Kurt; Stupperich, Michael (2017): Real-life challenges on agile software product lines in automotive. - In: Product-focused software process improvement : 18th International Conference, PROFES 2017, Innsbruck, Austria, November 29-December 1, 2017, proceedings. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 10611). - Cham : Springer. - S. 28-36. - ISBN: 978-3-319-69926-4. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Hohl, Philipp; Ghofrani, Javad; Münch, Jürgen; Stupperich, Michael; Schneider, Kurt (2017): Searching for common ground: existing literature on automotive agile software product lines. - In: ICSSP'17 : proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Software and System Process : July 5-7, 2017, Paris, France. - New York, NY : The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.. - S. 70-79. - ISBN: 978-1-4503-5270-3. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Fagerholm, Fabian; Sanchez Guinea, Alejandro; Mäenpää, Hanna; Münch, Jürgen (2017): The RIGHT model for continuous experimentation. - In: The journal of systems and software : JSS 123 - S. 292-305. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Münch, Jürgen; Fagerholm, Fabian; Sanchez Guinea, Alejandro; Mäenpää, Hanna (2017): The RIGHT model for continuous experimentation. - In: Software Engineering 2017 : Tagung vom 21. - 24. Februar 2017 in Hannover. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 89-90. | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Lunescu, Ilaria; Münch, Jürgen; Marchesi, Michele; Kuhrmann, Marco (2017): Using measurement and simulation for understanding distributed development processes in the Cloud. - In: IWSM Mensura '17 : proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Software Measurement and 12th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 25-27, 2017. - New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery. - 11 S. - ISBN: 978-1-4503-4853-9. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2016 | |
Münch, Jürgen (2016): Continuously experiment to assess values early on. - In: Menzies, Tim (Hrsg.): Perspectives on data science for software engineering. - Amsterdam : Elsevier. - S. 365-368. - ISBN: 978-0-12-804206-9. | BibTeX | RIS |
Hohl, Philipp; Stupperich, Michael; Münch, Jürgen; Schneider, Kurt (2016): Die Variantenvielfalt agil managen : agile Software-Produktlinien im Automobilsegment. - In: Tagungsband - Embedded Software Engineering Kongress 2016 : 28. November bis 2. Dezember 2016, Sindelfingen. - Würzburg : Elektronikpraxis, Vogel Business Media GmbH & Co. KG. - S. 427-433. - ISBN: 978-3-8343-2504-4. | BibTeX | RIS |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Münch, Jürgen (2016): Distributed software development with one hand tied behind the back: a course unit to experience the role of communication in GSD. - In: 11th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering : ICGSE 2016 : companion proceedings : proceedings : 2 - 3 August 2016, Irvine, California. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 25-30. - ISBN: 978-1-5090-3625-7. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Hohl, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen; Schneider, Kurt; Stupperich, Michael (2016): Forces that prevent agile adoption in the automotive domain. - In: Product-focused software process improvement : 17th International Conference, PROFES 2016, Trondheim, Norway, November 22-24, 2016, proceedings. - Cham : Springer. - S. 468-476. - ISBN: 978-3-319-49094-6. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Diebold, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen; Tell, Paolo (2016): How does Software Process Improvement address Global Software Engineering?. - In: 11th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering : ICGSE 2016 : proceedings : 2 - 5 August 2016, Irvine, California. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - S. 89-98. - ISBN: 978-1-5090-2680-7. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Münch, Jürgen (Hrsg.): Managing software process evolution : traditional, agile and beyond - how to handle process change. - Cham : Springer. - 332 S. - ISBN: 978-3-319-31545-4. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Wiedemann Jacobsen, Jan; Kuhrmann, Marco; Münch, Jürgen; Diebold, Philipp; Felderer, Michael (2016): On the role of software quality management in software process improvement. - In: Product-focused software process improvement : 17th International Conference, PROFES 2016, Trondheim, Norway, November 22-24, 2016, proceedings. - Cham : Springer. - S. 327-343. - ISBN: 978-3-319-49094-6. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Münch, Jürgen; Diebold, Philipp; Linssen, Oliver; Prause, Christian (2016): On the use of hybrid development approaches in software and systems development : construction and test of the HELENA survey. - In: Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2016 : Arbeiten in hybriden Projekten : das Sowohl-als-Auch von Stabilität und Dynamik : gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Projektmanagement (WI-PM) und Vorgehensmodelle (WI-VM) im Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsinformatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. : 6. und 7. Oktober 2016 in Paderborn. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 59-68. - ISBN: 978-3-88579-657-2. - URL: | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Lindgren, Eveliina; Münch, Jürgen (2016): Raising the odds of success : the current state of experimentation in product development. - In: Information & software technology 77 - S. 80-91. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Konopka, Claudia; Nellemann, Peter; Diebold, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen (2016): Software process improvement : where is the evidence?. - In: Software engineering 2016 : 23. - 26. Februar 2016, Wien, Österreich. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik. - S. 55-56. - ISBN: 978-3-88579-646-6. - URL: | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Diebold, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen (2016): Software process improvement: a systematic mapping study on the state of the art. - In: PeerJ computer science 2 (5). - S. 1-38. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
Mishra, Alok; Münch, Jürgen (Hrsg.): Special issue on information systems in distributed environment. - Amsterdam : Elsevier. - 233 S. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Yaman, Sezin Gizem; Fagerholm, Fabian; Munezero, Myriam; Münch, Jürgen; Aaltola, Mika; Palmu, Christina; Männistö, Tomi (2016): Transitioning towards continuous experimentation in a large software product and service development organisation – a case study. - In: Product-focused software process improvement : 17th International Conference, PROFES 2016, Trondheim, Norway, November 22-24, 2016, proceedings. - Cham : Springer. - S. 344-359. - ISBN: 978-3-319-49094-6. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Münch, Jürgen (2016): When teams go crazy : an environment to experience group dynamics in software project management courses. - In: 2016 IEEE/ACM 38th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering Companion : ICSE 2016, 14 - 22 May 2016, Austin, Texas, USA : proceedings. - New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery. - S. 412-421. - ISBN: 978-1-4503-4205-6. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
2015 | |
Taibi, Davide; Lenarduzzi, Valentina; Ahmad, Muhammad Ovais; Liukkunen, Kari; Lunesu, Ilaria; Matta, Martina; Fagerholm, Fabian; Münch, Jürgen; Pietinen, Sami; Tukiainen, Markku; Fernández-Sánchez, Carlos; Garbajosa, Juan; Systä, Kari (2015): "Free" innovation environments: lessons learned from the software factory initiatives. - In: ICSEA 2015 : the Tenth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, November 15-20, 2015, Barcelona, Spain. - IARIA. - S. 25-30. - ISBN: 978-1-61208-438-1. - URL: | BibTeX | RIS URN |
Lacher, Lisa; Walia, Gursimran; Nygard, Kendall; Fagerholm, Fabian; Pagels, Max; Münch, Jürgen (2015): A behavior marker for measuring non-technical skills of software professionals : an empirical study. - In: International journal of software engineering and knowledge engineering 25 (9/10). - S. 1733-1738. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Lacher, Lisa; Walia, Gursimran; Fagerholm, Fabian; Pagels, Max; Nygard, Kendall; Münch, Jürgen (2015): A behavior marker tool for measurement of the non-technical skills of software professionals : an empirical investigation. - In: Proceedings SEKE 2015 : the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering; July 6 - 8, 2015, Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center, Pittsburgh, USA. - S. 409-414. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOIURN |
Rissanen, Olli; Münch, Jürgen (2015): Continuous experimentation in the B2B Domain : a case study. - In: Second International Workshop on Rapid Continuous Software Engineering RCoSE 2015 : Proceedings ; May 23, 2015, Florence, Italy. - Los Alamos, California : IEEE. - S. 12-18. - ISBN: 978-1-4673-7067-7. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Mishra, Alok; Münch, Jürgen; Mishra, Deepti (2015): Information Systems in Distributed Environments : ISDE 2014. - In: ACM SIGSOFT software engineering notes 40 (5). - S. 36-38. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Theocharis, Georgios; Kuhrmann, Marco; Münch, Jürgen; Diebold, Philipp (2015): Is water-scrum-fall reality? On the use of agile and traditional development practices. - In: Product-focused software process improvement : 16th International Conference, PROFES 2015, Bolzano, Italy, December 2-4, 2015. - Cham : Springer. - S. 149-166. - ISBN: 978-3-319-26844-6. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Fagerholm, Fabian; Ikonen, Marko; Kettunen, Petri; Münch, Jürgen; Roto, Virpi; Abrahamsson, Pekka (2015): Performance alignment work : how software developers experience the continuous adaptation of team performance in lean and agile environments. - In: Information and software technology 64 - S. 132-147. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Lindgren, Eveliina; Münch, Jürgen (2015): Software development as an experiment system : a qualitative survey on the state of the practice. - In: Agile processes in software engineering and extreme programming : 16th International Conference, XP 2015, Helsinki, Finland, May 25-29, 2015, Proceedings. - Cham : Springer. - S. 117-128. - ISBN: 978-331-91861-2-2. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Kuhrmann, Marco; Konopka, Claudia; Nellemann, Peter; Diebold, Philipp; Münch, Jürgen (2015): Software process improvement : where is the evidence? ; initial findings from a systematic mapping study. - In: 2015 International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP) : proceedings ; August 24 - 26, 2015, Tallinn, Estonia. - New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery. - S. 107-116. - ISBN: 978-1-4503-3346-7. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |
Rissanen, Olli; Münch, Jürgen (2015): Transitioning towards continuous delivery in the B2B domain : a case study. - In: Agile processes in software engineering and extreme programming : 16th International Conference, XP 2015, Helsinki, Finland, May 25-29, 2015, Proceedings. - Cham : Springer. - S. 154-165. - ISBN: 978-331-91861-2-2. - DOI: | BibTeX | RIS DOI |