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2 + 3 = 5 Publications of HHZ<br> on the ICE/IEEE ITMC Conference

Besuchen Sie unsere 2 spannenden Präsentationen auf der

ICE/IEEE ITMC Conference
am 19. und 20. Juni 2018, in Stuttgart
Wir freuen uns auf Sie!


Präsentation : 19/Jun/2018, 11:45am - 1:15pm - Location:HAMBURG 

The Business Experiments Navigator (BEN)
An Approach for Validating Business Models with Experimentation

Abstract—Early reduction of risks in a startup or an innovation project is highly important. Appropriate means for risk reduction, such as testing business models with different kinds of experiments exist. However, deciding what to test and how to select the right test, is challenging for many startups and innovation projects. This article presents the so-called Business Experiments Navigator (BEN), a toolkit to assist startup and innovation processes. It compliments other tools such as the Business Model Canvas or the Lean Startup process. The main contribution of BEN is to bridge the gap between the riskiest assumptions of a business model and the multitude of available testing techniques by providing assumption templates. The Business Experiments Navigator has been validated in several workshops. Results show that it creates awareness among the workshop participants that a business model is based on assumptions, which impose risks and need to be validated. Further, users of BEN were able to identify relevant assumptions and map different kinds of assumptions to appropriate testing techniques. The process applied in the workshops, as well as the assumption templates, helped the participants understand the main concepts and transfer their learnings, to their own business ideas.

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Präsentation : 19/Jun/2018, 10:00am - 11:30am Location:FRANKFURT (Gerok) 

Identifying E-Scooter Sharing Customer Segments using Clustering

Abstract—Free-floating e-scooter sharing is an upcoming trend in mobility, which has been spreading since 2015 in various

German cities. Unlike the more scientifically explored car sharing, the usage patterns and behaviors of e-scooter sharing customers are yet to be analyzed. This presumably discovers better ways to attract customers as well as adaptions of the business model in order to increase scooter utilization and therefore the profit of the e-scooter providers. As most of the customer’s journey, from registration to scooter reservation and the ride itself, is digitally traceable, large datasets are available allowing for understanding of customers' needs and motivations. Based on these datasets of an e-scooter provider operating in a big German city we propose a customer clustering that identifies four different customer segments, which enables multiple conclusions to be drawn for business development and improving the problem-solution fit of the e-scooter sharing model.


Präsentation :

 An Assessment Model to foster the Adoption of Agile Software Product Lines in the Automotive Domain

Abstract —A  software  product  line  is  commonly  used  for  the software  development  in  large  automotive  organizations.  A strategic  reuse  of  software  is  needed  to  handle  the  increasing complexity  of  the  development  and  to  maintain  the  quality of   numerous   software   variants.   However,   the   development process   needs   to   be   continuously   adapted   at   a   fast   pace to  satisfy  the  changing  market  demands.  Introducing  agile software development methods promise the flexibility to react on customers’ change requests and market demands to deliver high  quality  software.  Despite  this  need,  it  is  still  challenging to  combine  agile  software  development  and  product  lines. The maturity of an agile adoption is often hard to determine. Assessing  the  current  situation  regarding  the  combination  is a  first  step  towards  a  successful  inclusion  of  agile  methods into automotive software product lines. Based on an interview study  with  16  participants  and  a  literature  review,  we  build the  so-called  ASPLA  Model  allowing  self-assessments  within the  team  to  determine  the  current  state  of  agile  software development  in  combination  with  software  product  lines.  The model comprises seven areas of improvement and recommends a  possibility  to  improve  the  current  status.


Präsentation :

Enhancing Software Engineering Education Through Experimentation: An Experience Report. 

 Abstract—Software engineering courses have to deliver theoretical and technical knowledge and skills while establishing links to practice. However, due to course goals or resource limitations, it is not always possible or even meaningful to set up complete projects and let students work on a real piece of software. For instance, if students shall understand the impact of group dynamics on productivity, a particular software to be developed is of less interest than an environment in which students can learn about team-related phenomena. To address this issue, we use experimentation as a teaching tool in software engineering courses. Experiments help to precisely characterize and study a problem in a systematic way, to observe phenomena, and to develop and evaluate solutions. Furthermore, experiments help establishing short feedback and learning cycles, and they also allow for experiencing risk and failure scenarios in a controlled environment. In this paper, we report on three courses in which we implemented different experiments and we share our experiences and lessons learned. Using these courses, we demonstrate how to use classroom experiments, and we provide a discussion on the feasibility based on formal and informal course evaluations. This experience report thus aims to help teachers integrating small- and medium-sized experiments in their courses.


Präsentation :

Combining Agile Development and Software Product Lines in Automotive: Challenges and Recommendations.

Abstract —Software  product  lines  (SPLs)  are  used  throughout the   automotive   industry.   SPLs   help   to   manage   the   large number   of   variants   and   to   improve   quality   by   reuse.   In order  to  develop  high  quality  software  faster,  agile  software development   (ASD)   practices   are   introduced.   From   both the  research  and  the  management  point  of  view  it  is  still not  clear  how  these  two  approaches  can  be  combined.  We derive  recommendations  to  combine  ASD  and  SPLs  based on   challenges   identified   for   an   automotive-specific   model. This  study  combines  the  outcome  of  a  literature  review  and a  qualitative  interview  study  with  16  practitioners  from  the automotive  domain.  We  evaluate  the  results  and  analyze  the relationship between ASD and SPLs in the automotive domain. Furthermore,  we  derive  recommendations  to  combine  ASD and  SPLs  based  on  challenges  identified  in  the  automotive domain.    This    study    identifies    86    individual    challenges. Important   challenges   address   supplier   collaboration   and faster  software  release  cycles  without  loss  of  quality.  The identified  challenges  and  the  derived  recommendations  show
that  the  combination  of  ASD  and  SPL  in  the  automotive industry  is  promising  but  not  trivial.  There  is  a  need  for  an automotive-specific  approach  that  combines  ASD  and  SPL.